Hunter Killer Review

Hunter killer is an action thriller produced by summit entertainment which brings together South African born director Donavan marsh along with Hollywood stars Gerard butler, Gary Oldman and Michael Nyqvist. In a film which is based on the 2012 novel firing point by Don Keith and George Wallace.  

Hunter killer is set in present day with a series of events which attempts to simultaneously remove the Russian president from power as well start world war three.

Gerard Butler plays a submarine captain newly promoted who is brought in to search for another American submarine and their crew whose sub went down in Russian territory as well as find out the cause for the submarine going down. However underneath the water things are not as clear or as straight forward as they would appear to be on the surface.

The story starts off slow and as the plot unravels it slowly draws you in. Gerard butlers performance as a submarine captain is brilliant as we him as a man trying to do right, not only by his country and his crew but also by his conscience. I also enjoyed the way his character employs unconventional wisdom in certain situations to stave off triggering world war three.

I believe the filmmakers intention with this film was to show us that although we may not all share the same nationalities deep down we all want the same thing. Peace. Overall I would rate this film 5 out of ten because although the story has some substance which is backed up by stellar acting from the lead actor it fails to keep you on the edge of your seat which is what I believe a true action thriller should do.